I recently had the opportunity to see the show, DEAR EVAN HANSEN, when it came to the Civic Center in Des Moines. I enjoy going to shows, but not nearly as much as my theater-major brother wished I did. Many times I will go to one, come home, and say, “It was ok.” It drives him crazy! He undoubtedly thinks each time that I go that my ticket is wasted on me and my cluelessness.
When I found out I would be going, I asked him what show would be playing. His normal response to this question usually goes something like, “I don’t know, probably a really good one that you won’t even appreciate!” We looked, and yes, his fears were realized. DEAR EVAN HANSEN is one of his favorites, so much so that I even recognized the title (which is pretty good for me and my lack of theater knowledge). He was so annoyed because I wasn’t “as excited as I should be,” which was probably true.
Although I had heard of it, I didn’t even know what it was about. All I knew was that it was pretty popular, it had won some major awards, and my brother really liked it. Not much knowledge at all going in, obviously.
Well you know what, I totally fell in love with this show. I could closely relate to it in so many ways and it just blew me away. I could relate to it as a human being, I could relate to it as a former high school student, and I could relate to it as a teacher. I was hooked from the minute I read what it was about. One of the best parts about the show, other than the cool screens all over the stage, was the music. It fits the show perfectly, but its songs are fun to listen to outside of the show as well, even for us “non-theater” people.
I’m not a theater critic and I’m definitely not trying to be, believe me, so I’ll get to the point. There’s a song from the show called, “You Will Be Found.” I added it to my Spotify the day after I saw the show and it’s been played pretty regularly on my phone, in my house, and in my car ever since. (My brother was totally thrilled by this, by the way, and we may have had a little karaoke session in my kitchen while cooking supper one night).

Anyway, this song really spoke to me. Its message is, no matter how much you’re struggling or how alone you may feel, there will always be someone there for you if you just reach out for help. As someone who has felt pretty alone at multiple times in my life, I loved this message. It’s such a beautiful concept that we, as human beings, can be “broken on the ground” and no matter how grim our situation looks at that moment, “you will be found.”
When you’re in that deep, dark, scary place, it can be pretty lonely. It can feel like there is no hope. It can feel like you’re alone and that there is no one out there that loves you. That there is no one out there will help you get back up again. When you’re in that place, it’s easy to talk yourself into these things. To tell yourself stories that aren’t true. Stories that tell you that you aren’t worth it, that you don’t deserve happiness, that no one cares. When you’re telling yourself these false stories, it’s hard to see past them. It’s hard to see anything else. You tend to keep looking down, or straight out into the hole that you’re so deeply stuck in. But this song reminds us to, “Lift your head and look around, you will be found.”
As someone that struggles to reach out, is stubborn and likes to figure things out on my own, it was like this song was speaking directly to me. It reminds me that “Every time that you call out, you’re a little less alone.” I’ve found this to be so true. I’ve learned that every time I’m honest about my story, about where I’m at, about what I’m struggling with, I’m connecting with more and more people. I’m learning that I’m not alone, that other people also struggle, there are people out there that understand, and that people are willing to help me if I just reach out.
"You will be found.” I think that this is such a beautiful message. This life, as amazing as it is, can be pretty messy and painful sometimes. It can also be really lonely. But what is so beautiful about being a human being on this Earth, is that we are never truly alone. No matter how much you may feel like you are, or how much you have isolated, you need only to “reach out your hand.” It is so powerful for us to remember that we are seen. By showing up, making ourselves vulnerable, and asking for help, we are allowing ourselves to truly be seen for who we are. Whether it’s like the show and we are lying on the ground in a forest, or something more metaphorical and we're “lying on the ground” within our life’s circumstances and need someone to carry the heavy load for awhile, “someone will come running to take you home.”
“Out of the shadows, the morning is breaking, and all is new, all is new. It’s filling up the empty, and suddenly I see that all is new.”
This show was the perfect reminder to me that no matter how hard things are, no matter how much you’re struggling, no matter how alone you may feel, you are only as alone as you believe that you are. There are people around you, ready to find you, see you, pick you up, carry you home, and remind you that you are not alone in this life.
This week, I’m asking you to do a few small favors for me (other than give this powerful song a listen). First, let yourself be seen. Share a struggle you’re having with someone that cares about you. If you feel as though you’re on the ground, reach out your hand and let someone you love pull you up. Next, if you can, look at the people around you, and really, truly see them. Try and be aware of who may need that little reminder that they aren’t alone. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but it may be just the message that person needs to hear today.
And if you, yourself, feel lost in this crazy life, remember, there is hope. Let yourself be seen, and you will be found. Trust in God, trust in your people, trust in this crazy world that we live in and remember:
“Even when the dark comes crashing through, when you need a friend to carry you, when you’re broken on the ground, you will be found.” 💙